Speech therapy workshop

On the 11th and 18th of December, the EHTIC hosted the second edition of a speech therapy workshop organised in cooperation with the Department of Medical Informatics and Artificial Intelligence of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering at the Silesian University of Technology and the University of Silesia in Katowice.

The first part of the training included a presentation and discussion of an otoscopic examination by an experienced audiologist.

After the presentation, the trainees had to carry out a full range of activities related to interviewing the patient and their family, preparing the patient for the examination, participating in the examination process and discussing recommendations for therapy.

The workshop also included a demonstration of the state-of-the-art equipment used to perform hearing tests and assess higher auditory functions in a specially adapted room.

The workshop culminated in a final lecture by Dr Michał Kręcichwost and a presentation of the web-based platform for remote diagnosis and speech therapy teleconsultation.

The workshop will be held by Dr Natalia Moćko, surdologopaedist and neurologist from the University of Silesia cooperating with the Silesian University of Technology, and Mrs Agnieszka Pucka, Hearing Aid Technician.

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