„Oncology as a priority in EU 2021-2027” workshops

On 27 April 2022 EHTIC held workshops „Oncology as a priority in EU 2021-2027” co-hosted by the Medical University of Silesia represented by prof. Tomasz Szczepański, the Rector and prof. Damian Czyżewski, the Vice-rector for Clinical Affairs. Among the guests were the Philips representatives: Hans Hofstraat, Edwin van Rutten, Michał Grzybowski oraz Marcin Bruszewski, the team of experts from the National Research Institute of Oncology in Gliwice, Monika Ptak-Kruszelnicka from the Marshall’s Office of Silesia Region in Katowice, prof. Andrzej Hajdasiński from Nyenrode Business University in the Netherlands, and strong representation of Silesian University of Technology with prof. Zbigniew Paszenda, the Dean, the Heads of the Departments and the teams of academic researchers of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering.

The workshops aimed to discuss the potential areas of cooperation within the oncology, mainly the computational oncology and personalized medicine – the field identified as one of the priority research areas of the Silesian University of Technology.

The engaging research potential presentations of the participating institutions followed by the vivid discussions on the unmet needs in the area of prevention, early diagnosis and personalised treatment, which allowed us to identify the field for the possible cooperation. During the meeting, we managed to indicate some proposals for joint scientific and research projects.

We believe that the workshops were the starting point for the promising, long-term partnership.

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