RS5 magnetic milling machine with CAM software
- 3 + 2 milling including such materials as: zircon, titanium, CoCr
- intended, among others for the manufacture of prosthetic products such as: implants, acrylic dentures, surgical templates and products made of glass ceramics with trochoidal processing
- software containing a package of implant geometry and implant connectors

SD Mechatronik THE-1100 Thermocycler
A thermocycler equipped with an open preparation basket that is alternately immersed in a bath of hot and cold liquid to ensure a high rate of temperature change (to realistically simulate temperature changes in the oral cavity), thereby simulating the artificial ageing process of materials used for prosthetic restorations.

SD Mechatronik CS-4 chewing movements simulator

The device simulates various chewing movements in the mouth to evaluate materials used for implants, bridges, crowns, composite materials and jaw models:
- execution of complete chewing cycles using linear 2-axis movement
- circular 2-axis movement for higher simulation frequencies up to 5Hz
- simulation of bruxism, in particular for the testing of bite splints