Microscopic examination:
Leica DMi8 microscope
Objectives: 5 x, 10 x, 20 x, 50 x, 100 x
Eyepiece: 10 x
Microscope in an inverted configuration allowing observation of metallographic specimens together with a high resolution digital camera. Fully automated microscope with software and touch panel control and automatic XYZ axis image folding.
Leica DM750M microscope
Objectives: 5 x, 10 x, 20 x, 50 x
Eyepiece: 10 x
Metallographic microscope for observing metallographic specimens in conjunction with a high-resolution digital camera.
- ability to observe specimens in incident and transmitted light for bright field, side illumination and polarisation techniques
- possibility to record data on SD card
- ability to control the camera operation and image acquisition from another workstation via WiFi communication

Modular stereo microscope Leica M205 A
Magnification range: 7.8 x – 160 x (1.0 x objective, 10 x eyepiece)
- a software module to measure parameters such as area (circle, square, rectangle and any shape), radius, diameter, angle and generate reports of these measurements as an Excel files
- a software module for generating, visualising and measuring 3D surfaces derived from the scanning an image with extended depth of field in the z-axis.
Leica S9i stereo microscope
Magnification range: 7.8 x – 160 x (1.0 x objective, 10 x eyepiece)
- manual Z-axis stand
- computer and software integration
- software module for measuring parameters such as area (circle, square, rectangle and any shape), radius, diameter, angle.

Digital microscope Leica DVM6 A
3 objectives (with magnification range from 12 x to 2350 x)
For real-time inspection, with image capture, video recording and measurement capabilities. Fully automated microscope allowing software control and automatic image assembly in XYZ axes – creating 3D maps of the surface.
The system is equipped with:
- tilting head (from -60° to +60°),
- field of view width: 43.75 mm, 12.55 mm, 3.6 mm
- transmitted and incident light illumination
- fully motorised stage and all-in-one PC with LAS X software for 2D and 3D analysis
- motorised axial movement with manual focus.
Surface topography, wetting angle and surface free energy test stations:
Optical tensiometer with Theta 3D topography system
Measurment ranges:
- wetting angle: 0-180°, accuracy ±0.1°,
- surface/interphase tension: 0.01 – 1000 mN/m, accuracy ±0.01 mN/m.
- integrated topograpy module for 2D and 3D surface imaging with the option to correct for surface irregularities in the wetting angle;
- automated wetting angle testing precisely on the surface with the determined topographic characteristics.
Parameter analysis according to ISO 4287, ISO 4288:
- r (Wenzel equation)
- ϴc, wetting angle with roughness correction/Wenzel
- wetting angle
- Sdr (%), Sa (um), Sq (um)
- Horizontal and vertical parameters for any 2D line from the graph Ra, Rq,Rp, Rv, Rz, R10z
Image options:
- Optical image, 2D and 3D roughness map:
- Maximum specimen size on stage: unlimited x 180 mm x 22 mm (L x W x H).