Lab supervisor

Katarzyna Jochymczyk-Woźniak, PhD, Eng.
room 114, Zabrze
Physical therapy (physical medicine) involves the application of physical energy (e.g. electric currents, ultrasound, electromagnetic fields, infrared radiation) in the diagnosis and treatment of various types of diseases. Physical treatments are also used in the prevention of disease.
Physical energies affect the human body at the cellular, tissue, organ and systemic levels. They stimulate various physiological, biophysical and biochemical reactions that lead, for example, to processes of tissue reconstruction, muscle strengthening and remodelling, etc.
Research offer:
- assessment of the long-term effects of exploitation of the human musculoskeletal system,
- evaluation of changes in the human musculoskeletal system resulting from ageing,
- evaluation of ergonomics of movement at work,
- comprehensive analysis of loads on the human musculoskeletal system during static and dynamic tasks,
- research into the effects on the human body of electric currents of various frequencies and waveforms, ultrasound, shock wave, short-wave diathermy and laser radiation.
Testing station for the effects of electrotherapy and mechanotherapy on the human body.
Multifunctional apparatus for electrotherapy, ultrasound and combined therapy DJO, Chattanooga

Testing station for the effects of light therapy on the human body.
A safe and fast method of stimulating cell regeneration.

Testing station for the effects of electromagnetic fields on the human body.
The combination of different wavelengths causes different biological reactions in the tissues. They produce thermal and athermal effects. The combination of biostimulative and photothermal effects results in high therapeutic efficacy.