“A Day with Health” at EHTIC

Yesterday’s “Day with Health” organised in EHTIC by Horizontal Contact Point South-East Poland and the Industry Contact Point in Łukasiewicz – PORT attracted participants from all over the region.
The meeting was filled with excellent presentations by invited speakers from Horizontal Contact Point South-East Poland and the Industry Contact Point in Łukasiewicz – PORT, National Contact Point for EU Research Programmes and EIT Health (with a huge dose of information and valuable tips on project funding opportunities under the #HorizonEU programme, research funding options within European partnerships or the benefits of collaboration in research projects ) as well as some inspiring “success stories”.
Of course, the meeting did not miss a presentation of the scientific potential of our EHTIC by Prof. Marek Gzik, the Director of EHTIC, and a study tour to selected laboratories.
There was also time for backstage talks, exchange of experiences and, above all, making new contacts .
Thank you for being with us!