Cooperation with Southern Taiwan Unversity of Science and Technology

Yesterday, 27 August 2024, a STUST representation was hosted by the Silesian University of Technology and the European HealthTech Innovation Centre.

The initial phase of the meeting was held in Gliwice, where a meeting was held between the authorities of the two universities. Prof. Marek Pawełczyk, the rector-elect, and Dr Te-Kuang Chou, the interim president of STUST, signed an agreement on cooperation in teaching, scientific research, and student exchange.

The second part of the meeting was held at the European HealthTech Innovation Centre, where the director of the EHTIC, Prof. Marcin Kaczmarek, and representatives of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, including the dean-elect, Prof. Marcin Basiaga, Prof. Pawel Badura, the associate dean for Infrastructure and Organisation, Prof. Joanna Czajkowska (Department of Medical Informatics and Artificial Intelligence) and Msc Marta Chmura (Department of Biomechatronics) presented the ongoing projects and research areas of interest.

We were also able to showcase the EHTIC’s laboratories and discuss the scientific potential of the technology stored there, as well as identify areas where scientific and research cooperation could be developed.

Silesian Center for Engineering Support
in Medicine and Sport "Assist Med. Sport Silesia"

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European HealthTech Innovation Center

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