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Why work at Philips?
What’s it like to work as an engineer at the company creating the future of the world’s hospitals?
How are technologies that are used to diagnose and treat various diseases created and developed?
The above and many other questions were answered today at EHTIC by specialists from Philips Health Systems in Poland.
Students from the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering at the Silesian University of Technology heard how Philips has changed over the 100 years of its operations in Poland and why it now focuses on technologies that improve the quality of life.
The most widely discussed were the innovative technologies in medicine created and improved by Philips (with the participation of graduates of the Silesian University of Technology): helium-free magnetic resonance, spectral resonance, or angiographs and their extremely broad spectrum of diagnostic and therapeutic applications in many fields of medicine. An interesting point was the presentation of the possibility of using artificial intelligence technology in oncological patient diagnostics or future technologies that Philips is currently working on – FORS or HOLOLENS.
In the second part of the meeting, the young people visited the Silesian Centre for Heart Diseases, where they could closely see (and touch) the angiographs installed there.
We hope that the seed has been sown and these young people will in future join the team of Philips’ biomedical engineers.