Meeting with Jana Orlowski – Deputy Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany

Deputy Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany Jana Orlowski was yesterday a guest at the European HealthTech Innovation Center (EHTIC). The Consul was accompanied at the meeting by Hanna Sanecka from the Economics Department and Aleksandra Pilch, Head of Polish-Bavarian projects in the area of Med-Tech from the Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Wrocław. The meeting was hosted by Prof. Marek Gzik, director of the EHTIC and head of the Department of Biomechatronics, and representatives of the departments of: Medical Informatics and Artificial Intelligence – Prof. Paweł Badura, Biomaterials and Medical Device Engineering – Prof. Marcin Kaczmarek, and Biosensors and Biomedical Signals Processing – Prof. Paweł Kostka.

In February this year, Bavaria established a representation at the AHK (Polish-German Chamber) under the leadership of Ms Aleksandra Pilch. The aim of this initiative is to strengthen Polish-Bavarian cooperation in the field of medical technology also by initiating contacts and cooperation between the scientific community and supporting the establishment of contacts for companies operating in the sector.

The Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce, based in Warsaw, is the largest bilateral chamber in Poland. It represents the interests of 1,000 member companies and has been supporting Polish-German economic relations for more than 25 years. The chamber’s 50-strong team offers companies from Germany and Poland professional consultancy services and supports the exchange of information and experience, as well as the development of relations between institutions and companies on both sides of the Oder.

During the meeting, the research and scientific potential of the departments of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering and the infrastructural resources of the EHTIC were presented in the context of identifying opportunities for deepening scientific cooperation.

We hope that the meeting will result in new joint ventures and projects with our neighbours, which will ultimately open up new perspectives for the development and implementation of innovative technological solutions.

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